At CLIMAID, people are always at the center. Our solutions are based on occupant comfort and health and follow the same methodology regardless of industry. We help you find the optimal balance between energy consumption, comfort and building condition.

  • HOME

    Get healthy and sustainable homes with simple sensor technology and advanced algorithms

  • PRO

    Achieve comfortable, energy-efficient and healthy offices, schools, institutions, retail and industrial buildings


    The toolbox for screenings, certifications, in-depth studies and for professional advisors


CLIMAID HOME is a tailored solution for residential buildings, whether privately owned, rental or social housing.

CLIMAID HOME continuously monitors and analyzes the moisture conditions and energy consumption in the home and nudges the occupant to better behavior to prevent moisture and mold.

You can keep an eye on the condition of your buildings from the platform, including analytics:

  • Energy consumption

  • Comfort level

  • Moisture supplements

  • Mold risk

  • Leakage

Your residents can monitor their indoor climate via a web app, from where they can also register their experience of the indoor climate.


CLIMAID HOME includes a sensor that measures temperature and humidity, with a battery life of min. 5 years. The sensor has its own sim card and does not need wifi or bluetooth to send data.

There is a QR code on each sensor that the resident can scan to provide feedback on their experience of the indoor climate and see the readings from the sensor.


CLIMAID PRO fits into both existing and new properties, helping you ensure healthy, sustainable, energy-optimized buildings through advanced algorithms

CLIMAID gathers indoor climate data from your existing sensors and provides a wide range of sensors from all the leading suppliers.

Innovative algorithms analyze your data and give you input to optimize operations, maintenance and renovation, so you can make informed decisions and take action where you need it most.

  • Insight is our data platform that collects all types of data from all IoT sensors. The platform complies with the highest security standards and GDPR regulations. With an open API, you can integrate and forward data to your other platforms or building components

  • CLIMAID integrates with all IoT sensors on the market. This makes it possible to build a specialized sensor network across vendors.

    We keep up to date with innovative new vendors and technologies and use all types of network protocols

  • Through the CLIMAID app, users can indicate how they experience the indoor climate.

    The user feedback is tied to the measurements in the room and this way you can see if the technical settings are in line with what the users want.

  • CLIMAID's indoor climate report is designed to intuitively provide a quick overview while diving into the details.

    Along with the presentation of the measurements, recommendations are given for improving indoor climate, preventing moisture damage, energy optimization and much more. Recommendations are based on the measurements and the building and are tailored to your needs



We assess the comfort level by continuously calculating the Indoor Climate Class for each room and compare it with the users' experience of the indoor climate. This gives you an insight into user satisfaction and building performance

Comfort level

Calculating the individual energy signature of each building with characteristics in different weather conditions helps you troubleshoot the heating system and building envelope and plan energy improvements

Energy consumption

Continuous calculation of the moisture load class and ventilation level helps you keep your building healthy and avoid moisture accumulation and poor indoor climate

Ventilation level

Based on knowledge of the individual building's insulation level, weather and indoor climate measurements, you get an advanced calculation of the mold risk of thermal bridges and can react before problems arise

Mold risk

Continuous calculation of the loss of concentration and productivity from indoor climate impact gives you a tangible method to assess the value of good indoor climate

Productivity factor

Continuous calculation of the risk of increased sickness absence due to indoor climate problems gives you a method to assess how many sick days you can potentially avoid by improving your indoor climate

Sick leave risk


Our commitment to creating healthy environments doesn't stop at technology and data. We offer sub-consulting services to help you optimize your indoor climate screening process

Healthy indoor climate: Our indoor climate experts will thoroughly review your indoor climate analyses and work with you to develop an action plan with concrete measures to create a healthier indoor climate for your customer

Optimized building operations: We provide you with an insight into the current state of the building and can identify problems with technical installations, provide input for maintenance plans or optimization of operations

Sustainability certifications: We provide a tailored documentation package for the various sustainability certifications for buildings.


Perceived indoor climate: We continuously collect feedback from the people using the building via our web app and compare it with the physical measurements

The measured indoor climate: Temperature, humidity, CO2, particles, sound, light, organic compounds, etc. We work with all known IoT sensors in the market and find exactly the solution that meets your specific needs.

Advanced analytics: Our algorithm automatically processes the collected data and calculates comfort level, ventilation level, energy saving potential, mold risk and much more.